Wars, Rumors of War, Sounds Just Peachy...Right
Punch Russia in the Nose ?
Summary: This Show I take some of the Rumors of War, from the recent GOP Debate, and add some "Food For Thought". Not all of the Debate is covered, just some random clips to try and focus in on some of the Candidates weaknesses and Strengths. The Point here is to explain why we need to look deeper than what the Media is Shoving Down Our Throats, He or She may say one thing, but the Reality is another.
In this Episode we touch on:
- Gov. John Kasich says it's all the Fighting in DC, but wants to Punch Russia in the Nose.
- Jeb Bush Knows what He Don't Know, WTF
- Sen. Marco Rubio will Take away civil Liberties if you join the Dark Side, Because he knows ALL
- Gov. Chris Christie want to keep us safe by Starting a War...With Russia
- Sen. Rand Paul, the Brightest Bulb in the Lamp, but no one cares to See
- Donald Trump will get the Nomination if the GOP and Bush Family don't Take Him Out First
"Offering Focus and Clarity To Reluctant Preppers For What Matters Most"
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