PG-Admin posted an update
Setting the Record Straight.
The problem with social media is not misinformation or malformation. it’s not even the heated debates among those involved, but, it is the act of hiding under an assumed cloke of anonymity when someone is called out on their words and posts.
Recently, my Wife and I were accused of causing problems, and being Pot-Stirrers, this was sad because it was like being ridiculed for caring about our Community.
When someone posts something that makes others feel that action should be taken, then sees that they started a heated debate, and then tries to redirect that debate through misdirection saying “it wasn’t me” is in actuality the Pot-Stirer.
This debate was started and let go on for some time, but once the Poster saw a potential fire starting to burn he immediately tried to say we all need to calm down. By that time my wife had asked some questions of a few Council Members to find out what was going on, but rather than the Poster in question saying “My Bad” he accused my Wife and I of being Troublemakers.
This person admitted to editing the original post and said it was from someone else, yet continued to accuse my wife as if she was the only one to take action, and said she was causing problems, but never apologized.
I won’t name anyone and will turn off comments to avoid another name-calling session, but honor, in Bushido, isn’t just about personal pride, but about maintaining a reputation for truthfulness and directness