April 10, 2015

4 Carbs to Avoid

by Mark Boyle

Avoid These 4 Carbohydrates

The American diet is so high in carbohydrate intake that it makes up on the low end, 50% and on the high end 85% of our caloric intake per day.  In English, that means 50-85% of our "nutrition" per day, comes from sugar.


The Carbohydrates your Doctor says are good for health.

Carbohydrates your Fitness coach recommends for energy.

Those complex Carbohydrates your Nutritionist raves about.

The yummy carbs the Media and Celebrities say are great.

  • Carbohydrates are not good for your health,
  • They do not give you energy, only a sugar rush,
  • Complex carbs metabolize slower but hit your blood with a higher insulin level, just later on,
  • If you get your Nutritional advice from the Media and the Hollywood stars, your gonna die.

This concept is one of those decision-making paradigms that will be hard to change, and even harder to understand and get our heads around.  Rest assured though, there are thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers on this subject, and they all point to the dangers of carbohydrates on the human physiology.  

Medical Schools Struggle to Provide Ample Training in Nutrition, Obesity Prevention www.aafp.org

The AAMC findings are repeated in a more recent survey. According to the preliminary results of a nutrition education survey conducted in 2008-09 by the Nutrition in Medicine staff at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, or UNC, although most medical schools offer some form of nutrition education, only one-quarter require a dedicated nutrition course.

Moreover, the survey found, the overwhelming majority of schools fail to adhere to a recommendation from the National Academy of Sciences(books.nap.edu) "that a minimum of 25-30 classroom hours in nutrition be required of all students during the per-clinical years," followed by reinforcement of that nutrition instruction during clerkships, electives and postgraduate training.

In fact, the amount of nutrition education that medical students receive is so "inadequate" that "medical school graduates feel unprepared to intervene in their patients' care with regard to nutrition," according to the UNC preliminary survey results.



As you can see from the survey above, most Doctors feel inadequate and unprepared to give Nutritional advice to their patients.  This is because Doctors know that there is a large gap in their schooling in Medical science and the science of Bio-chemistry.  

Look at it like this, the engineer that designed your car engine, can explain why a particular part is malfunctioning, while the mechanic can actually change the faulty part.  Your mechanic knows how to diagnose and then remove the problem part and has the tools to do the job, but has no knowledge of the sensors and circuitry inside, or why they just quite working.  Doctors are the mechanics of OUR Bodies, Scientist are the engineers. (Not the creators, by the way).


Personal trainers:

Most Personal trainers and Coaches pay a nominal fee for their certificate, from $600.00 and up, it is a business, and they have far less Nutritional training then your Doctor.  These Trainers may know a great deal about muscle development and workout routines but still may believe in carbs for energy and muscle contractions.  

The point here is that a Personal Trainer may be able to prescribe a great workout routine to build muscle, but have no clue as to your  dietary needs.   In fact farmers have known that when animals are fed a grain diet (carbohydrates), they rapidly convert those carbohydrate into body fat. Thus, it was well understood by the 1960’s that low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets lead to a rapid conversion of carbohydrate-to-fat.


To add insult to injury your Nutritionist will step in and tell you to eat a low fat diet and carbs for energy, if you need to lose weight, this of course is BS.  We all know friends and family, even ourselves, that may struggle with weight issues throughout our lives.  no matter how hard we try to follow these diet plans, nothing seams to work.

​We tell ourselves that we are at fault​, and think it is lack of will-power, and next time we'll try harder, this may be true, but maybe it is misinformation.  

​Not in a conspiratorial way. just innocent lack of proper information from those we thought had the knowledge to guild us in the right direction.


As stated above, if you listen to the media you will Die.  The Media companies at large, may have a great graphics department, and plenty of contributors that are retired Doctors, and it might all come across feeling real comfy and cozy, but the research is all based on conman Medical practices and not in deep Scientific Fact, that stuff is sooo Booooring.

Have you ever noticed that one Media outlet bashes one Political Party, and another Media outlet bashes the other Party? One is all Green and the other is into something completely different.  These differences are philosophical, the Media outlets have a belief and that is what make them all different.  Editorial department heads are the ones in charge of keeping this Philosophy consistent in all stories.

This Editorial Discretion is where you get your information, and it will follow his or her personal beliefs in regards to the Companies Philosophy.  So if the editor is a Vegan or Vegetarian then no facts about meat or high fat diets.

So how does all this factor into being Prepared and a Prepper?

Easy and yet, Not So Much.  Being prepared is more than a pile of Beans, Bullets, Band-aids, you are not prepared just because you have Stuff, being prepared is a life style, not a stuff pile.  At prepperguy.com it is all about being ready, health and nutrition are part of that equation.  This diet simplifies prepping, cuts cost, lightens your pack and save room for more important stuff.  

​This post all started when I was told that I can't call myself a prepper because I don't have a years supply of food, this is silly.  I have food enough to bug out and there is plenty of food sources everywhere I look, I just don't have a pile of dehydrated, freeze-dried Carbs.  Any Prepper worth his or her salt knows that you need financial preps, you need to be in good health and be in shape, and you need to have a good mental outlook, Mindset.

​We all know someone that deals with health and weight issues, joint pain, diabetes, high blood pressure, or just plain over weight, hell, we may resemble that remark.  Our diets are the #1 cause of all this and we control what we eat, or we should.

I stopped eating carbohydrates over a year ago and no longer deal with joint pain, and I was taking 6-9 aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen a day, I like to mix it up, mostly ibuprofen for inflammation and acetaminophen for pain.  

​The low-carb diet is not a fad, it is truly a way of life.  This is what our ancestors, the Mountain Man ate because back then carbohydrates where not as easily available or transportable.  Wheat, rice and beans are heavy and take up pack space, unless you had a wagon or pack mule.  The average man in the Lewis and Clark expedition ate an average of 6 pounds of meat per day.  They carried heavy loads and had plenty of stamina to climb and hike all day every day.  

Carbohydrates turn into sugar after being digested, so whether you’re eating a roll, or a potato or a piece of candy, they are all really  just sugar as far as the bloodstream is concerned. 

  • Sugar quickly raises blood sugar levels, which causes the pancreas to release insulin to get the sugar out of the blood.
  • Sugar increases circulating insulin and fat storage. As insulin levels go up, fat storage also goes up.
  • Sugar decreases the amount of minerals in the body. Sugar contains no minerals or vitamins.
  • Sugar causes glycation of protein molecules in our body. One of the other main causes of aging in addition to free      radical damage is the bonding of sugar with protein.

​This article could go on and on because it requires so much scientific information, but if it has sparked any desire to learn more I recommend reading this book The Glycation Factor by  Dr. Gregory S. Ellis, PhD, CNS.  It has few pictures and plenty of words, but a must read for your health.  It is an easy read, and goes through the dietary history of mankind, from meat eaters to vegetarianism.  Also try Ultimate Diet Secrets.

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